1·Huang Zongxi's orthodoxy was formed under the influence of Ouyang Xiu.
2·Ouyang Xiu is a very important character in the history of Chinese literature.
3·It embodies the popularity of cultural psychology of veneration for Ouyang Xiu, anticipation for longevity in the Kin Dynasty as well.
4·Studying Jinshi literatures by such a method of Bawei, as we know now, is stem from Ouyang Xiu, the famous literate and historian of BeiSong.
5·Xinzheng Xiu buried in Kaifeng (Henan Xinzheng), Xinzheng City XinDian Ouyang Xiu Village existing cemetery, is a national heritage conservation units.
6·As the literary arena leader then, simultaneously was also a generation of profound scholar's Ouyang Xiu, also participation positively approves Buddha to struggle.
7·The ornate diction of Wang Anshi's proses of condolence to Ouyang Xiu had surpassed his literary view of emphasizing the importance of governing the country with ethics.
8·Ouyang Xiu s Jigulu and Zhao Mingcheng s Jinshilu are two representative works of the epigraphy in the Song Dynasty, and have a profound influence on the later generations.
9·What a lovely scenery the autumn is! I wondered why Ouyang Xiu the poet had portrayed it so bleak and terrible, so dismal and gloomy, when he produced the verse A Sign for Autumn.
10·Ouyang Xiu mainly suspected Confucius was not the author of Xici, Wenyan, Shuogua, Xugua, Zagua of Zhouyi and there were some suppositional words of Yaoci those were not from Ji Dan.